In order to achieve the stated goals, the International Pro Iure Association proposes the following:si propune următoarele Obiective:
- Publishing publications (newsletters, brochures, magazines, newspapers, etc.) to subscribe to the purpose of the association;
- Editing and publishing the "Juridical Current" Journal
- Elaboration and editing of literature and legal practice, of some collections of laws, including on specialized fields, compilation of legal yearbooks, legislative guidance, legislative repertoires and judicial practice;
- Establishing connections with lawyers from other centers by organizing conferences, symposiums, meetings with personalities from the world of law;
- Organization of cultural - sports activities;
- Initiation and organization of training courses in order to achieve the continuous training and professional training of law practitioners as well as other professional categories;
- Organizing courses and seminars to popularize and learn about notions of law, among young people, students or those who want to have knowledge in this field;
- Attracting law students for their future professional training and for their participation in the humanitarian activities of the association;
- Collaborations with higher education institutions;
- Organizing courses for learning or improving in the field of foreign languages;
- Founding of a club of law practitioners;
- Founding a juridical library
- Organizarea unor cercuri de studii în diferite ramuri sau discipline ale dreptului;
- Supporting scientific research în the field of law;
- Activities to highlight the patrimony of Romanian legal science;
- Deepening studies on the history, philosophy and logic of law;
- Organizing rhetoric courses for young law practitioners;
- Establishment of a study center in the field of administrative law and an institute for the study of human rights and environmental law;
- Acordarea de premii și burse de studiu pentru juriștii și studenții merituoși în promovarea idealurilor asociației, precum și altor tineri cu preocupări în diverse domenii de activitate;
- Social assistance of law practitioners, their family members as well as other persons or families who represent social cases. Organization of some forms of social and professional protection;
- Attracting retired law practitioners in activities suitable for capitalizing on their experience.
In order to achieve its objectives, the association can work together in the field of education, social, economic, etc., with similar associations or institutions in the country and abroad.